Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Office Hour Marathon Schedule for Tuesday, June 28

There are no assigned readings for next week, everybody should be at work on your final projects and papers. Since there is no need for another lecture, next Tuesday I am scheduling twenty-minutes' office hours for each of you to talk to me one on one, about your final papers, your ongoing writing process, any outstanding worries you may have about the class, and also to talk through next Thursday's Symposium if you like. The office hour meetings are optional, but I do recommend it, and I'm creating a slot for each and every one of you whether you decide to take me up on it or not. Hope all is well in your worlds (all things considered), xo d 

4.20-4.40 June

4.40-5.00 Katerina

5.00-5.20 Madison

5.20-5.40 Mabel

5.40-6.00 Anguo

6.00-6.20 Jessie

6.20-6.40 Lauren

6.40-7.00 Natalie

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Afrofuturist Explorations, Retux (Janelle Monae)

Many Moons



Dance Apocalyptic

Dirty Computer [full E-motion Picture]

Afrofuturist Explorations

Sun Ra, Space Is The Place

Drexciya, The Quest

Parliament, Mothership Connection

Michael Jackson, Captain Eo

Missy Elliott, The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)

Outkast, ATliens

Pumzi, Wanuri Kahiu

Final Paper Workshop Worksheet

Final Paper: Close Reading and Research Paper Workshop Worksheet

Your Name: _______________________________________________________________
The Assigned Text (or object) You Are Reading Closely in Your Argument: 
BRAINSTORM! Take 15 mins. or so to write down 20-30 claims about your chosen text, topic, or question. Don't worry whether the claims are "deep," just write down claims you think are TRUE and INTERESTING. Be as clear and specific as you can.



















Continue on the back of the page if you like. The more claims you have to work with, the better.
*     *     *     *
Final Paper/Close Argumentative Reading Workshop Worksheet (PART TWO: In Class)
Your Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
The Text (and/or Object) You Are Reading Closely in Your Argument: ___________________________
I. In groups of three: Discuss your BRAINSTORM and then PICK THE THREE BEST THESIS CANDIDATE CLAIMS and write them down in their best, clearest form here (Twenty-Four Minutes):
II. Now on your own, for each of your three thesis candidate claims COME UP WITH THE STRONGEST OR MOST OBVIOUS OPPOSITION TO EACH THESIS (Ten Minutes):




III. In NEW groups of three: Discuss your thesis candidates and their OPPOSITIONS and write down the results, reconsiderations, and re-edits here (Twenty-Four Minutes):
IV. On your own, pick the strongest thesis and its best opposition and write them down in the template below (Five Minutes):
V. In NEW groups of three discuss your text/topic, thesis, opposition, and quotes/data that may support the thesis or provide a means to circumvent its objection. Also, determine whether any key terms need definitions (Thirty Minutes):
1. (textual/data support)

2. (textual/data support)
3. (textual/data support)

(textual/argumentative circumvention)

Terms requiring definition?

Four Habits of Argumentative Writing

In this course you will be producing argumentative writing based on close textual readings. We will spend a good deal of time talking together about what it means to write persuasively and read closely, what sorts of things can usefully be considered texts in the first place, and under what circumstances, and so on, but as a first approximation of what I mean I am offering you four general habits of attention and writing practice, guidelines I will want you to apply to your writing this term. If you can incorporate these four writing practices into your future work you will have mastered the task of producing a competent argumentative paper for just about any discipline in the humanities that would ask you for one. Incidentally, I will also say that taking these habits truly to heart goes a long way in my view toward inculcating the critical temper indispensable for good citizenship in functioning democracies in a world of diverse and contentious stakeholders with urgent shared problems.

A First Habit

An argumentative paper will have a thesis. A thesis is a claim. It is a statement of the thing your paper is trying to show. Very often, the claim will be straightforward enough to express in a single sentence or so, and it will usually appear early on in the paper to give your readers a clear sense of the project of the paper. A thesis is a claim that is strong. A strong claim is a claim for which you can imagine an intelligent opposition. It is a claim that you feel a need to argue for. Close readings and research papers may seem very different as writing projects, but a thesis is the key to both. Remember, when you are producing a reading about a complex literary text like a novel, a poem, or a film the object of your argument will be to illuminate the text, to draw attention to some aspect of the wider work the text is accomplishing. Once you have determined the dimension or element in a text that you want to argue about, your opposition might consist of those who would focus elsewhere or who would draw different conclusions from your own focus. When you are writing a research paper, remember that you are not simply exploring a topic, you are seeking an answer to a question. That question (sometimes in the form of an hypothesis that would answer the question) directs your research, though sometimes the research process itself can change your question. Your answer to your research question is your research paper's thesis, the claim you support with the evidence you gathered in your research and present in the body of the paper itself. Your thesis is your paper's spine, your paper's task. As you write your papers, it is a good idea to ask yourself the question, from time to time, Does this quotation, does this argument, does this paragraph support my thesis in some way? If it doesn’t, delete it. If you are drawn repeatedly away from what you have chosen as your thesis, ask yourself whether or not this signals that you really want to argue for some different thesis.

A Second Habit

You should define your central terms, especially the ones you may be using in an idiosyncratic way. Your definitions can be casual ones, they don’t have to sound like dictionary definitions. But it is crucial that once you have defined a term you will stick to the meaning you have assigned it yourself. Never simply assume that your readers know what you mean or what you are talking about. Never hesitate to explain yourself for fear of belaboring the obvious. Clarity never appears unintelligent.

A Third Habit

You should support your claims about the text with actual quotations from the text itself. In this course you will always be analyzing texts (broadly defined) and whatever text you are working on should probably be a major presence on nearly every page of your papers. A page without quotations is often a page that has lost track of its point, or one that is stuck in abstract generalizations. This doesn't mean that your paper should consist of mostly huge block quotes. On the contrary, a block quote is usually a quote that needs to be broken up and read more closely and carefully. If you see fit to include a lengthy quotation filled with provocative details, I will expect you to contextualize and discuss all of those details. If you are unprepared to do this, or fear that doing so will introduce digressions from your argument, this signals that you should be more selective about the quotations to which you are calling attention.

A Fourth Habit

You should anticipate objections to your thesis. In some ways this is the most difficult habit to master. Remember that even the most solid case for a viewpoint is vulnerable to dismissal by the suggestion of an apparently powerful counterexample. That is why you should anticipate problems, criticisms, counterexamples, and deal with them before they arise, and deal with them on your own terms. If you cannot imagine a sensible and relevant objection to your line of argument it means either that you are not looking hard enough or that your claim is not strong enough.