Monday, January 30, 2017

When is the future? What is present? Ten seconds from now is the future, in which these words being typed will exist in the past. Meaning the present seems to exist only in our minds when we choose to recognize its existence. These ideas can become brain twisters when thought about deeply. The future is perhaps only a time when we are in an imagined space where all thoughts and dreams, both utopic and dystopian, allow themselves to play out simultaneously. This imagined space is often magical, but can also look apocalyptic. It’s the mind immersed in its own fantasy, taken out of a physical reality and into a possible future reality. While our body exists presently, our minds can drift and wander into future realms that are fabrications of the content that has colored our past. We can only ever be inside of a present moment, here and now. With the future being a hypothetical time, our minds can stay immersed in this supposed dream space for significant amounts of the present, which in part does not allow some to exist full mindedly in the here and now. The broad term, “future,” can be just a few minutes from now, but when it comes to the bigger picture of the future, the device of time in many years serves as a space in between now and then, then being the future. This prolonged time allows for believable, possible and already existing changes to occur, which creates an idea for a plausible or even far-fetched future. In most cases, the dystopian future is often a popular subject amongst humans all throughout time. For some the future is when the second coming arrives, when what was prophesized begins to occur, a spiritual space. This second coming can also be seen as an apocalypse, which actually translates to, “a revelation of divine mysteries.” For others, it’s a prediction of the human conditions intensified. Using the present as a jumping off point to predict what the future could hold. In popular culture many speculate as to what our current future may look like. Mankind has seen a handful of those who make predictions and prophesize the future. Popular figures such as Nostradamus and lesser-known Native Shamans from many cultures would predict and discuss the possibly dangerous futures. The doomsday clock that was built in 1947 was built after the atomic bombs created by the U.S. were dropped on Japan. The clock was set to seven minutes until midnight; midnight being the end of days. The clock takes into account the current state of the world and the tensions that exist in the present and how they could become dangerous in the future. The clock has been set forward and back twenty two times since its creation, experiencing the lowest time of two minutes until midnight and the highest time of 19 minutes until midnight. The Cold war and its nuclear tensions brought the clock to the two-minute mark in 1953, the first record low. Now, after 64 years, the clock has gone back down to the two-minute mark. The league of scientists that maintain and monitor the clock said the reason for the clocks startling change is simple: “President” Donald J. Trump. This device, while not entirely being based in reality, is a reminder of our affect on the time that has yet to come, and how what happens in the present has a direct affect on the future.

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